Monday, September 7, 2015


This is a real world incident that occurred and it happened to me. It was an opportunity to put into practice what I teach my university students and the law enforcement personnel that I train. Please read this and pass it on to others in an attempt to have them remain safe and not get bated into taking the wrong action in one of these situations.
I was in my persona vehicle driving to work on US 27 and as I passed through the area right before the traffic light at the College I was beginning to slow down from 55 to 45 due to the change in speed limit near the gas station. As I began me deceleration I notice a vehicle coming closer and closer to the rear of my vehicle. I was in a great mood knowing I had about 4 hours of teaching to do and then back home and off until Tuesday so I made the assumption that the person driving the vehicle would begin to slow down. Well I looked back again in my rear view mirror and now the person was directly on my rear and was getting closer and closer and I was not going to speed and there was traffic around me so I started to be concerned. When we got to the beginning of the gas station area the person pulled to the right really fast and almost hit the rear of my car and as he passed I yelled out to him that was a “real freeing idiot move”.  It was an idiot move. He could have caused me to get into an accident by me focusing on him. He could have hit me if I had to stop for any reason. He could have clipped my car when he pulled around to the right. He began giving me the finger and cursing at me and I went into Use of Force mode and Legal Stand Your Ground mode and waved him on and slowed down to keep my distance from him. He must have been doing about 15 miles over the speed limit so I made the assumption I would not see him again. Two mistakes here. One; my window and his window were both open and based upon his actions while operating the motor vehicle there was no telling what he could have had in his possession and with the display of his temperament anything could have happened. I expressed my assessment of his dangerous and violating actions as he passed without thinking about my safety. Second I assumed I would not see him again. Incorrect move number two.
I was driving slow thinking about the lectures I was going to be giving in class and as I passed the area new big lots I changed lanes from the middle where I had been driving to the left so all of the cars stopping for the eateries would not constantly delay my progress as I do this every morning when I go to work. Well as I am thinking about my lectures I am approaching the light at main street in Avon Park and I notice I am now coming up on the same Georgia tag that I say fly by me when the irate driving tailgated me and almost hit me while passing me. I had the turning lane to the right and cars to the left and that is what it is like at 8:00am during the week in this area. So I am slowing down and hoping the light will change and it does not. Once I am behind him, at a distance, I see him looking in the rear view mirror staring at me and making hand gestures. At this time I once again go into Use of Force and Stand Your Ground mode and am thinking that this guy could do just about anything so I said I am going to keep focused on him and his car door and then I thought is this guy jumps out with a gun no one is going to know what the vehicle looks like or the tag. I was not going to take my eyes off him or his car door to call dispatch because that inattention could be my life. So I reach for my phone and on the front as an icon is my camera and I said I have to do this and I do not want him to see it but I have to do this now. I try to get the camera up to take the photo without him seeing it and he sees it and goes completely ballistic high order irate and nuts. He starts yelling and screaming from inside his car. He then slams the car into park, flings the door open, throws his seatbelt and jumps out of the vehicle and begins coming towards me screaming and yelling and waving his hands and arms.
At this time I am thinking I do not believe he is coming here to ask for directions so I need a plan. Now here is where I was glad that I am a Use of Force Expert and Legal Expert in the areas of Use of Force and Stand Your Ground. Right in front of me I now have the exact example that I use in my classes and in my lectures. I sat there and I kept my seat belt on and buckled, never opened the door and never made any aggressive movements at all. Here is one of the first lessons I want to convey. If you are on duty, off-duty or even retired and this occurs what is the most efficient and effective weapon you have that can hit the target to stop the threat with ease; it is your vehicle. I kept my eyes riveted to his hands. He was coming towards my vehicle. In my mind I thought if he pulls out a knife in close proximity to my window or a gun I will use my vehicle as my defensive weapon. It is easy to aim, it is so large it cannot miss the target, it is something that most people will not think about being used as a weapon so you have the advantage of surprise. If you have a firearm with you it can be a real challenge to use it in this type of situation due to several factors. First if you are a right-handed person you are going to be in a bad positon to fire at the suspect because your body is going to be very contorted and uncomfortable. If you have the time and mental acuity you may try to change hands and shoot lefty and there is going to be an accuracy issue. If you do fire your weapon under these conditions what will be the level of accuracy? Is there a great propensity to miss and hit an innocent bystander? Using your vehicle as a weapon when you are in a self-defense situation can be the best weapon selection possibly at your disposal.

Now in my case as this irrational irate out of control individual was walking toward me and screaming and yelling he noticed an Avon Park Police Vehicle at the Corner waiting to make a right turn and yelled to me there is a cop you want me to call him? As this irate individual is still walking towards my car slowly I yelled back saying yes call him because you were tailgating and you are out of your car coming towards me in a violent manner so yes please call him. At this time he was getting closer so I thought it might be time to try one last thing that I never do unless absolutely necessary and that is I pulled out my badge from my belt carrier and put it out the window and advised him that I was also a cop and I really would like for him to call the cop in the car. It worked and he stopped dead in his tracks; however his mouth and comments never ever stopped. He turned around cursing and yelling and screaming fuck you, fuck your badge, I do not give a shit about your badge and you can shove that badge up your ass. I yelled out to him that he needed to call the cop or just stay in his vehicle and go about his business. Remember, this was the only time I identified myself and it was done as a last resort to hopefully stop him from getting to my window where I felt something not very good was going to occur. This action assisted in preventing something that could have turned out to be really bad. It is usually better to be a great witness in an off duty and non-uniformed situation than to take action that can be misconstrued due to no police vehicle and no uniform because if you exit your vehicle to take action it provides the individuals with the ability to advised that they did not know you were a cop and that you aggressed them and they took the action because they were afraid of being victimized by you.
I thought about what else I would do if he came to my window and if he had a weapon that I did not see until he got there. I, thank goodness, have been training in the martial arts for many years and if any part of him entered into my vehicle we now have a burglary and if he strikes me it is a major felony. I am in fear for my life and I have stand your ground to rely on and take the necessary martial arts action I need to take.

After the incident was over I thought it through and was very glad that I had the training I did and knew to not take off my seatbelt, not open my door, not get out of my vehicle, and to have a plan of what to do based upon the law. Knowing the law and knowing what the law says about these types of incidents assisted me in using progression of activities to keep myself protected and also allow him to be the aggressor and place himself in the negative legal position and also in the negative strategic position in that car versus weapon can be great if you can be focused and know at what exact moment you need to take that action. Of course the actions will be different if you are in an on duty capacity.
I know someone is going to make a comment about me making a comment about his actions being that of an idiot and this is the response to that comment. The First Amendment covers the comment that I made because you can make an observation as to the action taken by a person that you witness that has truth and validity to it as this one definitely did. Even the president has had, and continues to have, many people who are well known and renowned calling his actions regarding the Iran Nuclear Deal dumb and stupid. The adjectives dumb, stupid, and idiot all fit in a very close community. So advising a person that the act they just performed in your presence is “a freeing idiot move” is a totally legal and a reasonable comment. The responses of this individual were not reasonable and not rational at all.  Also, I am not a believer in this political correct nonsense of which many prominent individuals are not voicing their opinions that politically correct is ridiculous and produces a society of liars and people who misrepresent. Also, I am so sure that no one has ever said something worse that what I stated to a driver who was endangering them and other drivers on the road. So, before you make the comment and divert from the learning points here, please do some pattern recognition in your mind regarding some of your most prize moments on the road. Once you are done please focus on the important learning points contained in this writing.

One last item that I really found to be very interesting, that set this person off, was the fact that someone was taking a photograph of him in his vehicle; however, individuals like this do not want cops to say a word when they are photographed.
His actions demonstrate that he has some serious issues. He has no control of his emotions and is impulsive. He acts in a dangerous manner by driving his several thousand pound vehicle through the streets at high speeds and in a reckless manner tailgating people without regard for anyone’s safety. He becomes completely irate when someone takes his photograph. He has some serious self-esteem and anger issues in that when someone calls him on doing something that is unlawful and dangerous he has to strike out immediately and repeatedly while knowing full well his actions were wrong. This is also another reason why you do not get out of a vehicle if you feel something is not right because going up to this individual provides with them with the element of surprise if they have a weapon and it also takes you out of the victimized positon and now there can be two aggressors.

Please keep in mind that even when you are minding your own business and just trying to get to work that there are people with issues and situations that are going to come into your life that are unreasonable and very dangerous and you need to be prepared with the knowledge of the law as to what you should and should not do and can and cannot do in these situations. It is quite obvious that today we are dealing with individuals who are embolden and disregard laws, mores, norms, and any type of respect and these individuals will take actions that normal and reasonable people would not. Always be vigilant and prepared to encounter these types of individuals at any time.
Know the law, know what you can use as a weapon that will be effective, efficient, and safe to yourself and to those innocent civilians around you. Know how to place the aggressor into that position and keep them there and keep yourself out of that position and this is especially true if you are off duty in civilian clothing. If you have a car that has a voice activated phone calling system or a phone that has a phone activated calling system use it and make sure you call the dispatcher if anything like this occurs. However, do not take the chance with a normal phone that would require you to take your eyes off of an irate out of control person like the one I was dealing with on this day.

Be safe.
Dr. Barone