Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tribute to a Brother Officer, Son, Husband and Father: Police Officer Melvin Santiago

Dr. Peter A. Barone would like to offer his condolences to his brother and sister officers in the State of New Jersey where he began his law enforcement career some 39 years ago. He would also like to offer his most sincere and deepest sympathy, condolences and prayers to the mother, wife and child of  an outstanding man, son, husband and father who was senselessly taken from us while performing the duties of the profession he loved, Police Officer Melvin Santiago. It is always heartbreaking when a brother or sister officer is taken from us via the use of violence; however, it is even more painful when one of our brothers or sisters is taken from us in such a cowardly and completely senseless manner as was the case with Officer Santiago. Saint Michael was waiting for Police Officer Santiago on that Sunday morning to take him to meet his father in heaven and now we can all be sure that he is up above us watching over us and protecting us until it is out time to end our watch and go to the most precious place of peace with our father. Dr. Barone will be praying for Police Officer Santiago's Mother, Wife, Child, and Brothers and Sisters so that they may negotiate through the pain of loss and the sorry that such a senseless and tragic taking of a vibrant life brings when such an outstanding man and Police Officer is abruptly removed from his family.

Rest in Peace my brother and keep an ever vigilant watch over all of us from that peaceful place in the sky above.

D/S Dr. Pete

Image created by the Fairfield Police Department in Fairfield Connecticut.